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Vedic Astrology Book App: Saravali





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Kalyana Varma, the famous author Saravali belonged to the 10th century AD. He was the king of a place called Vyaghrapada, believed to be somewhere in Madhya Pradesh. From the verses in this work it is obvious that he has studied the works of Parashara, Varahamihira and Yavana etc before him, and as he felt that they were too brief, he decided to elaborate the principles.

Saravali indeed is a monumental work and the study of it is a must for the serious students of astrology.


1. Birth of Horāśāstra Author’s prayer and introduction.

2. Meaning of Horā

3. Rāśi Description

4. Planetary Characters

5. Miscellaneous Matters

6. (Yoga) Karakas

7. Planetary Indications

8. Copulation

9. Conditions at Birth

10. Evils at Birth

11. Evils and the Moon

12. Evils Canceled at Birth

13. Lunar Yogas

14. Yogas from the Sun

15. Conjunction of Two Planets

16. Conjunction of Three Planets

17. Conjunction of Four Planets

18. Conjunction of Five Planets

19. Conjunction of Six Planets

20. Combinations for Renunciation

21. Nabhasa Yogas

32 kinds of Nabhasa Yogas, rules for their formation and effects thereof

22. Effects of the Sun

23. Effects of the Moon in Various Rāśis The Moon in the 12 Rāśis and special effects, when in aspects to others planets

24. Effects of the Moon in Various Navāńśas and in aspect to other planets

25.Effects of Mars in Various Rāśis Mars in 12 Signs and special effects in case of aspects from others

26. Effects of Mercury in Various Rāśis

Vedic Astrology Book App: Saravali(圖2)-速報App

27. Effects of Jupiter in Various Signs

28. Effects of Venus in Various Signs

29. Effects of Saturn in Various Signs

30. Effects of Planets in Bhavas. Sun to Saturn in the 12 Houses and individual results

31. Two Planets in Angles

32. Ninth House and Effects thereof

33. Tenth House and Effects thereof

34. Different Houses and Worldly Affairs

35. Raja Yogas

36. Planetary Rays

37. Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas

38. Effects of Natural Constituents and Primordial Compounds

39. Obstruction to Rajayogas

40. Calculation of Longevity.

41. Moola Dasa

42. Effects of Sub-Periods Distribution of sub-periods to planets in Moola Dasa, Dasa-Bhuktis thereof, special considerations

43. Evil Effects of Dasa

44. Antidotes for Evil Dashas

45. Effects of Planetary Dignities

46. Female Horoscope

47. Aphorisms of Death

48. Lost Horoscopy

49. Effects of Horas

24 halves of the 12 Signs and effects thereof in the context of lost horoscopy

50. Effects of Decanates

36 decanates of the Zodiac and effects thereof in the context of lost horoscopy

51. Effects of Navāńśas

52. Lost Horoscope

53. Ashtakavarga

54. Effects of Ashtakavarga

55. Manifold Births

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